
Thank you so much for checking out this website and the trackers I created!

These trackers have been not just a passion project but a real health journey for me. From the age of twelve up until now, I’ve dealt with a myriad of health issues and illnesses, eventually leading to joint replacements, debilitating migraines, multiple food allergies, and stage 3 heart failure.

A hodgepodge of logs, notes, and a very good memory helped me figure out solutions to many of the problems. Those experiences ultimately led me to wanting a more organized way of tracking different health concerns, and so the idea of my health trackers was born.

My hope is that these trackers will help you, or the medical professionals you see, find answers to your own health issues. Please drop me a line to let me know how you’re using this tracker, or let me know if there’s a health issue you’d like a tracker for.